The Fundació Mallorca Turisme is a 100% public, non-profit entity, integrated in the Consell de Mallorca.
Its purpose is to promote tourism promotion of the island in national and international markets, as well as the creation of tourism products, the management of tourism services in general, and any activity that aims to promote tourism on the island.
The governing and representative body of the FMT is the Board of Trustees. There is also a Tourism Advisory Council whose function is advisory and advisory.
Among the main actions that the foundation carries out to materialize its mission are the organization and participation in tourist, national and international promotional meetings; the external projection of the image of Mallorca as an audiovisual set and cinematographic tourism destination, through the Mallorca Film Commission ; as well as the collaboration with the different tourist agents, public and private, for the coordination of promotion and consolidation actions of the different tourist products.

Presidency / Vice presidency
– José Marcial Rodríguez Díaz (President)
– Susanna Sciacovelli (Vice president)
Political representatives
– Maria Bauzá Mascaró (Partit Popular)
– Bernat Vallori Mairata (Partit Popular)
– Antònia Maria Portell Salas (Partit Popular)
– Andreu Serra Martínez (PSIB/PSOE)
– Juana Maria Adrover Moyano (PSIB/PSOE)
– David Gil de la Paz (VOX – Mallorca)
– Jaume Alzamora Riera (MÉS per Mallorca)
– Antoni Salas Roca (Pí propostes per les IB)
Institutional representatives
– Maria del Pilar Bonet Escalera representative of the Hacienda department
– Antonio Francisco Fuster Zanoguera representative of the Presidency department
– Fernando Rubio Aguiló representative of the Department of Territory
– Antonia Roca Bellinfante representative of the Department of Culture
AETIB representative
– Pedro Juan Planas Mulet
– Mª Magdalena Coll Martorell
Members freely appointed by the board
– 1 representative of the UIB
– 1 AVIBA representative
– 2 people of recognized prestige in the tourism sector
– 3 representatives of the Assembly of Batles and Batlessas of Mallorca
– 2 representatives of the trade unions in the tourism sector
– 1 representative of FELIP
– 1 representative of the Palma 365 Foundation
– 1 AENA representative
– 1 CAEB representative
– 1 representative of PIMEM
Entities that are part of the FMT to the constitution
– Hotel Federation of Mallorca (FEHM): María Frontera Hjorngaard – Javier Vich Vélez
– Grouping of Hotel Chains: Gabriel Llobera Prats
– Promotion of Tourism in Mallorca: Eduardo Gamero Mir
– Chamber of Commerce: Javier Vich Vélez
– Mª Magdalena Coll Martorell